Source code for

import numpy as np

from scipy import special

from ..utils import multilinify, spacify

def force_within_unit_interval(x):
    """Make sure data in unit interval is in (0, 1)"""
    eps = np.finfo(float).eps
    x[x == 0] = eps
    x[x == 1] = 1 - eps
    return x

def force_greater_than_zero(x):
    """Make sure data in positive reals is in (0, infty)"""
    eps = np.finfo(float).eps
    x[x == 0] = eps
    return x

def cloglog(mu):
    """Cloglog function that ensures the input is greater than 0."""
    mu = force_greater_than_zero(mu)
    return np.log(-np.log(1 - mu))

def invcloglog(eta):
    """Inverse of the cloglog function that ensures result is in (0, 1)"""
    result = 1 - np.exp(-np.exp(eta))
    return force_within_unit_interval(result)

def probit(mu):
    """Probit function that ensures the input is in (0, 1)"""
    mu = force_within_unit_interval(mu)
    return 2 ** 0.5 * special.erfinv(2 * mu - 1)  # pylint: disable=no-member

def invprobit(eta):
    """Inverse of the probit function that ensures result is in (0, 1)"""
    result = 0.5 + 0.5 * special.erf(eta / 2 ** 0.5)  # pylint: disable=no-member
    return force_within_unit_interval(result)

def expit(eta):
    """Expit function that ensures result is in (0, 1)"""
    result = special.expit(eta)  # pylint: disable=no-member
    result = force_within_unit_interval(result)
    return result

def logit(mu):
    """Logit function that ensures the input is in (0, 1)"""
    mu = force_within_unit_interval(mu)
    return special.logit(mu)  # pylint: disable=no-member

# linkfun: These are g. They map the response to the linear predictor scale.
# linkinv: These are g^(-1). They map the linear predictor to the response scale.
# fmt: off
    "cloglog": {
        "link": cloglog,
        "linkinv": invcloglog
    "identity": {
        "link": lambda mu: mu,
        "linkinv": lambda eta: eta
    "inverse_squared": {
        "link": lambda mu: 1 / mu ** 2,
        "linkinv": lambda eta: 1 / np.sqrt(eta)
    "inverse": {
        "link": cloglog,
        "linkinv": invcloglog
    "log": {
        "link": np.log,
        "linkinv": np.exp
    "logit": {
        "link": logit,
        "linkinv": expit
    "probit": {
        "link": probit,
        "linkinv": invprobit
# fmt: on