# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
import sys
from os.path import dirname, join
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.special import hyp2f1
from statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model import GLM
from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import PerfectSeparationError
from .prior import Prior
[docs]class PriorScalerMLE:
"""Scale prior distributions parameters.
Used internally. Based on https://arxiv.org/abs/1702.01201
# Default is 'wide'. The wide prior sigma is sqrt(1/3) = .577 on the partial
# corr scale, which is the sigma of a flat prior over [-1,1].
names = {"narrow": 0.2, "medium": 0.4, "wide": 3 ** -0.5, "superwide": 0.8}
def __init__(self, model, taylor):
self.model = model
# Equal to the design matrix for the common terms. Categorical are like "var[level]".
# Q: What if the model does not have common effects? Not even intercepts. It doesn't work
# right now. Should we flag it? Attempt to fix it?
if model._design.common:
self.dm = model._design.common.as_dataframe()
self.dm = pd.DataFrame()
self.has_intercept = model.intercept_term is not None
self.priors = {}
self.mle = None
self.taylor = taylor
# pylint: disable=unspecified-encoding
with open(join(dirname(__file__), "config", "derivs.txt"), "r") as file:
self.deriv = [next(file).strip("\n") for x in range(taylor + 1)]
def get_intercept_stats(self, add_slopes=True):
# Start with mean and variance of Y on the link scale
mod = GLM(
exog=np.repeat(1, len(self.model.response.data)),
missing="drop" if self.model.dropna else "none",
mu = mod.params
# Multiply SE by sqrt(N) to turn it into (approx.) sigma(Y) on link scale
sigma = (mod.cov_params()[0] * len(mod.mu)) ** 0.5
# Modify mu and sigma based on means and sigmas of slope priors.
if self.model.common_terms and add_slopes:
# prior["mu"] and prior["sigma"] have more than one value when the term is categoric.
means = np.hstack([prior["mu"] for prior in self.priors.values()])
sigmas = np.hstack([prior["sigma"] for prior in self.priors.values()])
x_mean = np.hstack([self.model.terms[term].data.mean(axis=0) for term in self.priors])
mu -= np.dot(means, x_mean)
sigma = (sigma ** 2 + np.dot(sigmas ** 2, x_mean ** 2)) ** 0.5
return mu, sigma
[docs] def get_slope_stats(self, exog, name, values, sigma_corr, points=4, full_model=None):
name: str
Name of the term
values: np.array
Values of the term
full_model: statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model.GLM
Statsmodels GLM to replace MLE model. For when ``'predictor'`` is not in the common
part of the model.
points : int
Number of points to use for LL approximation.
# Make sure 'name' is in 'exog' columns
if full_model is None:
full_model = self.mle
# Get log-likelihood values from beta=0 to beta=MLE
beta_mle = full_model.params[name].item()
beta_seq = np.linspace(0, beta_mle, points)
log_likelihood = get_llh(self.model, exog, full_model, name, values, beta_seq)
coef_a, coef_b = get_llh_coeffs(log_likelihood, beta_mle, beta_seq)
p, q = shape_params(sigma_corr)
# Evaluate the derivatives of beta = f(correlation).
# dict 'point' gives points about which to Taylor expand.
# We want to expand about the mean (generally 0), but some of the derivatives
# do not exist at 0. Evaluating at a point very close to 0 (e.g., .001)
# generally gives good results, but the higher order the expansion, the
# further from 0 we need to evaluate the derivatives, or they blow up.
point = dict(zip(range(1, 14), 2 ** np.linspace(-1, 5, 13) / 100))
vals = dict(a=coef_a, b=coef_b, n=len(self.model.response.data), r=point[self.taylor])
deriv = [eval(x, globals(), vals) for x in self.deriv] # pylint: disable=eval-used
terms = [
compute_sigma(deriv, p, q, i, j)
for i in range(1, self.taylor + 1)
for j in range(1, self.taylor + 1)
return np.array(terms).sum() ** 0.5
def scale_response(self):
# Add cases for other families
priors = self.model.response.family.likelihood.priors
if self.model.family.name == "gaussian":
if priors["sigma"].auto_scale:
sigma = np.std(self.model.response.data)
priors["sigma"] = Prior("HalfStudentT", nu=4, sigma=sigma)
[docs] def scale_common(self, term):
"""Scale common terms, excluding intercepts."""
# Defaults are only defined for Normal priors
if term.prior.name != "Normal":
mu = []
sigma = []
sigma_corr = term.prior.scale
for name, values in zip(term.levels, term.data.T):
mu += [0]
sigma += [
self.get_slope_stats(exog=self.dm, name=name, values=values, sigma_corr=sigma_corr)
# Save and set prior
self.priors.update({term.name: {"mu": mu, "sigma": sigma}})
term.prior.update(mu=np.array(mu), sigma=np.array(sigma))
def scale_intercept(self, term):
# Default priors are only defined for Normal priors
if term.prior.name != "Normal":
# Get prior mean and sigma for common intercept
mu, sigma = self.get_intercept_stats()
# Save and set prior
term.prior.update(mu=mu, sigma=sigma)
def scale_group_specific(self, term):
# these default priors are only defined for HalfNormal priors
if term.prior.args["sigma"].name != "HalfNormal":
sigma_corr = term.prior.scale
# recreate the corresponding common effect data
data_as_common = term.predictor
# Handle intercepts
if term.type == "intercept":
_, sigma = self.get_intercept_stats()
sigma *= sigma_corr
# Handle slopes
# Check whether the expr is also included as common term in the model.
expr = term.name.split("|")[0]
term_levels_len = term.predictor.shape[1]
# Handle case where there IS a corresponding common effect with same encoding
if expr in self.priors and term_levels_len == len(self.priors[expr]["mu"]):
sigma = self.priors[expr]["sigma"]
# Handle case where there IS NOT a corresponding common effect
if expr in self.priors and not term_levels_len == len(self.priors[expr]["mu"]):
# Common effect is present, but with different encoding
# Replace columns from the common term with those from the group specific term.
exog = self.dm.drop(self.model.terms[expr].levels, axis=1)
# Common effect is not present
exog = self.dm
# Append columns from 'data_as_common'
df_to_append = pd.DataFrame(data_as_common)
df_to_append.columns = [f"_name_{i}" for i in df_to_append.columns]
exog = exog.join(df_to_append)
# If there's intercept and the term is cell means, drop intercept to avoid
# linear dependence in design matrix columns.
if term.is_cell_means and self.has_intercept:
exog = exog.drop("Intercept", axis=1)
sigma = []
for name, values in zip(df_to_append.columns, data_as_common.T):
full_model = GLM(
missing="drop" if self.model.dropna else "none",
sigma += [
sigma = np.array(sigma)
# Set the prior sigma.
def scale(self):
# Classify all terms
common = list(self.model.common_terms.values())
group_specific = list(self.model.group_specific_terms.values())
if self.has_intercept:
intercept = [self.model.intercept_term]
intercept = []
# Arrange them in the order in which they should be initialized
terms = common + intercept + group_specific
term_types = (
["common"] * len(common)
+ ["intercept"] * len(intercept)
+ ["group_specific"] * len(group_specific)
# Scale response
# Initialize terms in order
for term, term_type in zip(terms, term_types):
# Only scale priors if term or model is set to be auto scaled.
# By default, use "wide".
if not term.prior.auto_scale:
if term.prior.scale is None:
term.prior.scale = "wide"
# Convert scale names to floats
if isinstance(term.prior.scale, str):
term.prior.scale = self.names[term.prior.scale]
if self.mle is None:
# Scale term with the appropiate method
getattr(self, f"scale_{term_type}")(term)
[docs] def fit_mle(self):
"""Fits MLE of the common part of the model.
This used to be called in the class instantiation, but there is no need to fit the GLM when
there are no automatic priors. So this method is only called when needed.
missing = "drop" if self.model.dropna else "none"
self.mle = GLM(
except PerfectSeparationError as error:
msg = "Perfect separation detected, automatic priors are not available. "
msg += "Please indicate priors manually."
raise PerfectSeparationError(msg) from error
msg = "Unexpected error when trying to compute automatic priors."
msg += "Please indicate priors manually."
print(msg, sys.exc_info()[0])
def get_llh(model, exog, full_model, name, values, beta_seq):
model: bambi.Model
exog: pandas.DataFrame
name: str
Name of the term for which we want to compute the llh
values: np.array
Values of the term for which we want to compute the llh
beta_seq: np.array
Sequence of values from to beta_mle.
# True if there are other predictors appart from `predictor_name`
if name not in exog.columns:
raise ValueError("get_llh failed. Term name not in exog.")
multiple_predictors = exog.shape[1] > 1
sm_family = model.family.smfamily(model.family.smlink)
if multiple_predictors:
# Use statsmodels to _optimize_ the LL. Model is fitted 'points' times.
glm_model = GLM(endog=model.response.data, exog=exog, family=sm_family)
null_models = [glm_model.fit_constrained(f"{name}={beta}") for beta in beta_seq[:-1]]
null_models = np.append(null_models, full_model)
log_likelihood = np.array([x.llf for x in null_models])
# Use statsmodels to _evaluate_ the LL. Model is fitted 'points' times.
log_likelihood = [
sm_family.loglike(np.squeeze(model.response.data), beta * values)
for beta in beta_seq[:-1]
log_likelihood = np.append(log_likelihood, full_model.llf)
return log_likelihood
def moment(p, q, k):
"""Return central moments of rescaled beta distribution"""
return (2 * p / (p + q)) ** k * hyp2f1(p, -k, p + q, (p + q) / p)
def compute_sigma(deriv, p, q, i, j):
"""Compute and return the approximate sigma"""
return (
/ np.math.factorial(i)
* 1
/ np.math.factorial(j)
* deriv[i]
* deriv[j]
* (moment(p, q, i + j) - moment(p, q, i) * moment(p, q, j))
def get_llh_coeffs(llh, beta_mle, beta_seq):
# compute params of quartic approximation to log-likelihood
# c: intercept, d: shift parameter
# a: quartic coefficient, b: quadratic coefficient
# beta_mle: beta obtained via MLE
# beta_seq: sequence from 0 to beta_mle
intercept, shift_parameter = llh[-1], -beta_mle
X = np.array([(beta_seq + shift_parameter) ** 4, (beta_seq + shift_parameter) ** 2]).T
a, b = np.squeeze( # pylint: disable=invalid-name
np.linalg.multi_dot([np.linalg.inv(np.dot(X.T, X)), X.T, (llh[:, None] - intercept)])
return a, b
def shape_params(sigma_corr, mean=0.5):
# m, v: mean and variance of beta distribution of correlations
# p, q: corresponding shape parameters of beta distribution
mean = 0.5
variance = sigma_corr ** 2 / 4
p = mean * (mean * (1 - mean) / variance - 1)
q = (1 - mean) * (mean * (1 - mean) / variance - 1)
return p, q